CD Player advice request...

I am looking for something with the following attributes but don't want to spend over say $3000...(so a bit of each attribute is better than any significant weakness)
(1) fast tight bass
(2) full bodied in both male and vocals
(3) not exaggerated on the high freqs
(4) excellent timing...prefer clarity over artificial warmth
(5) good timbres
(6) and most importantly - reliability!!!!

I have nailed it down to:
(1) Rega Saturn
(2) Bryston BCD1
(3) Naim CD5xs

any comments on how these compare, and any other brands, would be greatly appreciated!

This will sound like a cop out, but it depends greatly on your other gear.

I have listened to Saturn with Rega amps, including the new Elicit, and various types of speakers and was underwhelmed. I have heard it with a VTL integrated and small Avalon floor standers and liked it very much.

The Naim CD5XS, I have only heard with Naim electronics and found it to sound fabulously musical under the right room and speaker conditions (medium large squarish room with Naim floor standing speakers). I generally prefer the Naim sound to other names, but not sure how well they play with other kids (electronic brands) in mixed company.

I have not listened to the Bryston but it certainly is getting a strong following as a detailed and neutral player.
I would also add the Simaudio Moon CD-1 to your list. Very natural presentation with very good detail and tonal textures. I have not heard the BCD-1 which I was originally hoping to get but came across my CD-1 at very good price. Some who have compared the BCD-1 to the CD-1 felt it was very close in their opinion.
I listened to an Oppo BluRay BD83 yesterday that was modified with the terra firma clock.

Had exceptional detail retrieval and speed. Would cost me around $1500 (I am in Australia).

It has the same DAC as in the BCD-1. I would say overall its probably an extremely similar sound to the BCD-1 which I heard 2 months ago. I have now compared both to my existing Audiolab 8000CD - new Audiolab series), and both are a significant step up in detail and neutral tonal balance. A head to head comparison would be the optimal but not possible where I live. It's possible the mod Oppo could even be better however I compared on very different systems.

Also compared the Modified Oppo to the Moon CD3.3 which is $3000. The Moon seemed slightly more full-bodied and you could argue more "refined", perhaps slightly better timbres. The Oppo had the quicker timing and resolution. The Oppo was probably the more accurate player, and perhaps the Moon was designed to cover up flawed CD recordings. The reality is its quite hard to know what the exact "sound" should be. But the differences between the Moon and the Oppo were overall a lot smaller than between my existing Audiolab and the Oppo.

The Moon, Oppo, and Bryston would all be a big step up and solve the tonal balance issues I have been having with the Audiolab (hump in the mid-upper bass, hump in the mid-treble, lack of high frequency extension, slightly recessed vocals). I would imagine the Moon CD3.3 is obviously better than the Moon CD1, probably a similar sound.

Well the Oppo is half the price of the Moon and Bryston...and the terra firma clock also applies to the SACD and BluRay sound components, and also has dual USB-inputs. Quite amazing value....

Anyone had a mod with the terra firma before, or owned an Oppo?
I will second mapman's recommendation of the mhdt constantine+ model. It has a long-term rightness that is smooth, full-bodied, but not missing in the details. If the recording is huge it sounds huge, if it is not, well it sounds like it should. Unbelievable value.