What Power Amplifier Should I Buy?

I am looking to increase my system power. I currently am using a Bryston 2.5B cubed, which is specified at 135 Watts/CH. I am using Revel f208 speakers crossed over at 120 Hz to a 15" HSU sub. The f208 speakers have 88.5 dB sensitivity (Amir measured 88-89dB SPL at 1W into 8 ohms). I sit about 7.5 feet away from the speakers and listen up to 92 dB SPL, but mostly stay between 80-90 dB SPL at my listenin g location.

I have not had power issues. I've never seen a clipping light. I just want more oomph. I've never had a power amp with more power than the 2.5B cubed.

My budget is about $5K. I have been looking at some used 4b cubed amps.

My preamp is a vintage ML No. 38s. Digital from Bryston BDP-3/BDA-3 combo. Analog using Koetsu RS and Shelter 901 cartridges into an SUT (20x) followed by a very vintage Paragon System E used as a phono preamp (I have fully repaired this preamp, particularly the power supply).

I like the sound of the 2.5B cubed. I had a Cary 120 tube amp for some time, but grew tired of the heat and the continuous maintenance, including the insane prices for tubes. I did not experince that great "tube sound" that others rave about. I sold the Cary and went back to the 2.5B cubed.

Will the 4B cubed disappoint?

What other amps should I consifder, new or used?

Thanks for your help!


128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xkevemaher

I’d think this SMcAudio DNA 1 would be worth a try and should be negotiable down to $2k at this point I’d think.  Plus, if you like what you hear you can send it back in for the more recent upgrades to get even more and still be well below your budget.  I recently had my upgraded DNA 0.5 in my friend’s system and it sounded beefier and more robust than his 3B SST2, which is why I thought this might give you what you’re looking for.  Best of luck. 



In my opinion, I would buy a second 15'' subwoofer, you will get an improvement in imaging and sound stage and more ''oomph'' then you would from buying a bigger amp.


@ditusa +1: Two subs for stereo is better than one in mono. The OP's Bryston amp has sufficient watts for the Revel speakers. Doubling or trippling the wattage is inconsequential.