Retip or try new

Have been neglecting my analog rig lately due to things various things in life. Just noticed that my 15+ yr old Akiva doesn't sound smooth as it used to - treble becomes harsher, etc. Instead of sending it in for retip / rebuild (never done that before), should I look at something new mid-level? Names come to mind are Hana ML, ART 9xa/xi. Genre is mostly classical (all kinds). Any suggestions? 



thanks for the comments. Sounds like rebuilding is worth considering economic-wise. Even it doesn’t sound the “same” - which I don’t remember anyway since SQ degrades overtime, as long as SQ is in a similar league it could be a very good deal than buying new.



My deck is mid-spec Linn LP12 with quite some modifications over the years - Lingo 4, Khan top plate, trampoline 2, Green street subchassis, Ekos 1 arm with updated bearing ( says it’s Ekos 2), Cirkus bearing. Didn’t have chance to A/B with other decks in the recent past. I learned how to tune it up, but didn’t get to it for a while now. Staying with the same cart saves the efforts of alignment a little bit as Linn arm / cart has a third screw.



thank you for the comment. I’ll ask Soundsmith if they offer rebuild (not just retipping ), as I suspect the rubber had gone old.



I had not tried the highest gain with XONO. Since Linn Akiva is medium-output (0.45mv), i had been using just 60 or 64 db gain.


There are plenty of positives to be read within the Link. The turn around time at Soundsmith is regularly reported to be very extended, if this service is selected Easter 2025, might be when there is a report offered on a returned Cart'.

Making inquiries about options for the rebuild, especially with the interest in the Damper condition is very worthwhile.

I do not encourage a description offered after a Cart' Inspection, is limited to the making it known, the Cart' can be worked on.   

Make sure quotes offered, clearly describes the parts to be used and work to be undertaken.  

There are forum members who have there own preferred Third Party Overhaul Services. One member who needed to have a $10k Cart' looked at, chose to use VAS NY Inc.

Plenty to be seen in relation to how a Cart' can deteriorate and be rejuvenated in the Link. There are also plenty of Lyra's seen, which some will be from a era close to your Akiva's period of production. 

Asking for a FGS Stylus on a Boron Cantilever with a very modern rubber as a Damper will get my deepest of interest.

This has been very successful when used on certain Ortofon Cart's that do not get the Ortofon Replicant Stylus, as the base Stylus.