Check This Out!

Just wanted to make audiophile community aware, anyone looking for a DAC must check out Galle DAC from Cinnamon Audio. The feedback from two recent buyers was very inspiring and they bought the DAC after listening.

"The Galle DAC: we’ve crafted a DAC that delivers a natural, lush sound with remarkable dynamics and harmonic richness"

Cutting edge R2R, 27 bit ladder, laser cut the resistors to hit 0.1% tolerance; installed directly into the circuit board for a bargain price of $12,995

You can hear this DAC at Capitol Audio, courtesy @gestalt audio.


Hello Lalit. I am listening to this dac as I type this. I have had it here for a day or so and it sounds stunningly good. Colin of Gestalt Audio Design brought it by yesterday. The build is very interesting. The internal boards are completely isolated from the chassis. I like the aesthetics of the dac as it is like a piece of art/sculpture on my audio rack.

Dual mono 27 bit differential resistor ladder with over 430 resistors within a .01% tolerance. They say the conversion engine operates as a self sufficient voltage source eliminating the need for a traditional analog output stage. This delivers a very short signal path.

If tonal density and uncanny realism are important to you, then I have personally not heard any digital piece do it this well. No, a Topping or $2000 Chinese dac will not deliver the emotional connection and realism of this piece. Not even close based on my experience.  At least not for me. However, for me any piece of audio that helps transform my system from playing nice sounding recordings to a more live and personal experience is everything.The audiophile words we all try and use to convey what we are hearing seem to fall short of what I am experiencing with this dac. Flesh and blood vocalists with physical bodies are singing right before me. Much more connection to the performance compared to a “sonically great sound recording” kind of experience.

We all have different priorities in this hobby. Many really nice sounding dacs can be purchased for $1000 - $2500 or so. No doubt about it. At the same time it is a rare piece that apprehends me so completely taking me beyond the “sounds” into a genuine experience with the music. Those who hear this dac and have the same physical/emotional experience will understand. For those people this dac is very special. Not all will appreciate this and that my fellow Aphiles is just fine.


@grannyring  Bill, how would you compare this to the Tron Signature? I auditioned the Tron previously at Colin's so i am familiar with its sound. Thanks

Well that is a great question. Both are outstanding dacs with that rare quality of realism in spades. In the end I suspect it would come down to system synergy and subjective sonic priorities. The Tron plays the whole of the performance with ease and purity of tone. The Galle separates the finer points with a tad more nuance. Perhaps two slightly different perspectives based on my system. Both dacs engage my heart over my head/mind and get at the emotion of the performance.

Tonal saturation is a tad more nuanced with the Galle. Both are immensely musical and fun to listen to. Both make me smile while listening. The Tron plays classical music beautifully because of its scale and tonal purity The Galle plays vocals superbly due to its extracting of inner detail and realism.

When you get to this level of refinement and performance one just needs to listen for themselves to decide. I need more time to better understand the slight differences between these two dacs.

My wife commented on how vocalists are presented in a tangible/physical manner as if one could reach out and touch them with the Galle. I sensed the space the singer occupied. The Tron, while not as localized vocally, played vocals slightly larger and spread across the stage more. These can at times be subtle differences, but depending on your sonic appetite can be important.



Thanks Bill. I actually thought the Tron had reach out and touch centered vocals.  I don’t recall the name of the Chinese female vocalist that Colin played some tracks of but to me she was as if she was right there.

The Tron dac is also special in that regard. As you know I own the Tron dac. It is a wonderful dac. Also greatly enjoying the Galle right now. Fun listening to both in my home 🙂.