Bridged NADs vs. Rotel Ra - 1062


I am new in this music technology field, so I wanted to ask

your advice and opinion :)

I am buying amps did some research and form my budget ~(350 eur)

I found these options:

1. Bridged Nads , power amp and amp Nad 2400 and 3020a

2. Bridged Nads, power amp and amp c270 and c370

3. Rotel Ra-1062

Ar these options good? What would you choose from these?  

Or maybe you would choose neither of those, and know some

better option :) ?

My music is : classic rock, rock , blues rock, metal.

Any advice/observation would be really helpful!

I would be really grateful for your help! 🙂




Thank you for answering!

I will look  for  speakers later, now its some old 

simple 8ohms Technics speakers. But I will upgrade them

in time 🙂.

Bridged amplifiers are a bit of a parlor trick. Yes, you get more "power," but distortion goes up and so does the ability to drive low impedance. It's never a first choice, imo.

not sure why you're looking to bridge amps, but of the options you've listed above i'd go with the nad 270/370, which are gain-matched. personally, i'd just go with the 370 itself, which is extremely powerful (i think 120w/c?) and quite good sounding--i owned one back in the day.


Thank you for your insights!  I dont need that much power or loud sound, I care more about quality of music, I will take it in account!


I have no knowledge about amps, my journey just begins. So I asked in local facebook hi fi group about amps. And got offered bridged Nads, until then I didnt even knew about bridged amps. So I went to check local classified ads and found bridged NADs for sale that matches my budget. That is the only reason Im looking for bridged NADs. 

So  I asked here should I go for bridged Nads or something else like Rotel Ra 1062.

If not bridged Nads I found these in similar price range:

Nad c355bee 
Nad c356bee
Nad c372 

Though Nad c356bee is little bit over my budget. I could try negotiate the price If it would be the best option.