Definitive Technology BP 30

I have Definitive Technology BP 30'S and Yamaha AS 2200 Integrated amplifier they seem to sound really good, are the a good match for the Yamaha AS 2200 


As the AS2200 is a touch on the warm side it probably is a decent match with those older aluminum tweeters, but the BP30s can certainly be greatly improved upon. It’s a lot of speaker for the $$$ especially if you prize low bass and don’t use subs, but speakers from the likes of Vandersteen, Joseph Audio, ProAc, Usher, Totem, Sonus Faber, Clayton, etc. will offer much higher quality components and refinement and take more advantage of what your nice amp can deliver. Definitely time for an upgrade IMHO, and I’d highly recommend going out and listening to some newer speakers and/or going to an audio show to see what you might like. 

I can always buy back my Klipsch Cornwall 2s for 400$ and get them recapped  but they are so huge. 

i've heard the powered version of the definitive speakers and they're fine, but relatively low on the audio foodchain--you see 'em used for a few hundred bucks. your yamaha otoh is a very well-regarded, $4k amp which i'd expect would really shine with better speakers-- i'd look at some of the highly touted brands that @soix suggests. 

Cornwall IIs for 400.00 is a steal. I have owned them in the past as well as Def. Tech speakers (BP 2000) and to my ears the CW is the superior speaker for music. Home theater might tip the scales the other way slightly.

Buy the cornwalls and recap them. Even if you don’t keep them, you can probably flip them for at least a grand, if in good shape.

I know this is an old thred but I forgot to mention that I have the Definitive Technology Powerfield 1500 subwoofer with the BP 30s that are actually a little bright, but the sub really helps out. I also have the Bluesound Node Icon coming  for Christmas. Not a lot of money to spend on much better. Love my Yamaha AS2200