Choose between McIntosh MA9000 used vs MA8950 new

I really need some input! I am trying to upgrade from my starter kit. I just found a used 4-5 years old MA9000, fine condition (except cosmetics), and is comparing to buying a new MA8950. Ma9000 has generous leg room (300 W) with more tone controls, bigger everything, but that was older 2017 technology and already discontinued. Ma8950 is less powerful (200W), but is the latest design, bit better DAC, more dynamic headroom (filter capacity). Now I cannot decide which one to go for. Btw I used streamer as my source most of the time, and driving a b&w 805 d4. Thanks for your help.


I took a $3000 DAC to top ( and not by much) the internal DAC2 board in my C2700. I ended up settelting on a much more expencive DAC to actualy have a significant improvment so do not underestimate the DAC2 board its better then you may think. Also the DAC2 has HDMI ARC input if you run a TV in the same room this is very usefull. 

Keep in mind that on the 8950, when McIntosh upgrades their DAC to a "DA3", then you can easily swap out the DA2 for the DA3. Not sure if you can do that with the 9000.


If you gave me the choice, money-blind, I would get the 200W MA8950. That is plenty-o-power for the speakers, and new design/new components/new warranty would be the way to go, and no doubts about the quality. 200W of McIntosh power, I would not even be looking for more.

I own the 8950. My speakers are Cremona Ms. I stream with a Node run through the DA2. I'm very pleased. 

I own the 8950. My speakers are Cremona Ms. I stream with a Node run through the DA2. I'm very pleased.