Amarra for iTunes at RMAF...

As my listening habits are split about 70% from iTunes and 30% vinyl I was pretty excited to see Stereomojo report on the new Amarra software for iTunes that can increase the sound quality of your digital music.

I was somewhat less excited to see that the price tag on this software add-on is almost $1k. Has anyone heard the Amarra software and have thoughts on if it's worth this price? Are there any similar products out there for a more reasonable price?

Happy listening!
Well, again I agree with your comments. I too first thought it sounded like maybe some EQ tricks were going on. I am not fully convinced yet, but I just ordered (this morning) 4GB of mem for my mac mini Core2Duo and I will be doing further tests after the mem arrives. I am beginning to think it may be more than just an EQ change taking place, further listening sessions are required.
The BIOS burn in comments I was referring to have been made by guys making CMP PCs, and their claim is that to assess a BIOS change you need to make the change and then let it burn in. This is after the hardware burn in you refer to.
Just saw that Amarra 1.1 is out. The readme says it supports Apple Lossless but not the ones generated from Max. Well, I am bummed since most of my hi-res tracks are just that. I was going to place an order as soon as Apple Lossless support is in but now I guess I am going to wait some more.
I don't buy the bios burn in at all. Doesn't mean it's not true, just means I don't believe it. I know there is a lot of non-sense non-science as it relates to audio and I think the BIOS "burn in" lends itself to that camp :)
Sidssp, sometimes it is just a matter of selecting them in iTunes and telling it to convert them to Apple Lossless and you are done. I had the same problem, IIRC, with Apple Lossless files in another context, and that cured it.