Anyone hear the Van Alstine CA1 Control Amplifier or NP1 amp demoed?

Anyone hear the CA1 Control Amplifier or NP1 amp demoed yet? 

Any comparisons to the Set amp? 

I suppose there will be more feedback once production units start shipping.


@gano true.  i know how frustrating it can be when you're in that position, anxious and ready to pull the trigger.  again, good luck!

I do know they were recently in the process of moving and that's something that can derail service for awhile. Not making any excuses as they have a long history of mostly positive feedback, especially regarding the gear itself.  Once I had a chance to listen to mine I'll report back.

@agwca it's a business, they don't owe me anything. If they want to sell, they post an email address that someone checks at least once every other day. In one week, I got zero response to 3 emails. 

I know that small businesses are not full of IT gurus, and they are busy with so many things, and a move can be stressful although reading emails shouldn't be a challenge in 2024. 

I would love to hear what you think, this amp was on the top of my list. The lack of preamp is somewhat annoying, and the design is as minimalist as they come, but sound quality above all.....

Finally hooked it up albeit to small Dali Opticon 1 speakers.  I have two other integrateds, a small Keces E40 and a Hegel h160.  On the small Dali speakers, (on TV show soundtracks I am familiar with) the Keces may sound a bit fuller sounding on the low mids but more rounded in the mids and treble.  It might be the sound in speech sounds different on the CA-1 as I notice more accentuation on details throughout the frequency curve. The CA-1 seems to have a bit more resolution, definitely a bit more details coming though so seemingly more transparent.  

From what I remember the differences between the Hegel and the Keces, the Hegel is more energetic as is the CA-1 but retains a bit of fullness in the lower mids probably from damping factor. I don't know yet which is more transparent and at what frequencies those frequencies come across as better or preferred.  I will compare with the Hegel down the road.  The CA-1 is also hooked up to a Topping D70s dac which is more rounded sounding to the one in the Hegel.  So some swapping between equipment will have to be done.

So far, I get the sense the CA-1 can be described as neutral, perhaps a bit on the cooler side, transparent though not sure if it's more than you get with the better but similarly priced gear.  The frequencies are not overly smoothed but sound more natural than not given how TV shows are recorded and processed.   Sibilants are there but so far while prominent, may show less glare than the Hegel which is also fairly transparent.   I am liking what I hear so far with the CA-1.

I did try it on music and its more energetic, exciting than the Keces.  I think separation and dynamic reach are good and voice and piano has a liveliness like the Hegel.  As I stated, the Keces is more rounded but very musical.  The Hegel is livelier, adds attack and weight to make piano strikes sound more lifelike in comparison but both presentations please.  I think the CA-1 is somewhere in-between and closer to the performance of the Hegel.  Do not know which is better, preferred or how different as of yet or more musical for me to my preferences. Lots of listening has to be done as of yet.

I'm going to listen for textures, separation, space and effect when its in the recording, etc.  The Keces does space well and so does the CA-1 from what I heard so far, perhaps a bit more in that regard.  Voices are different and I am adjusting as I have listened to the Keces quite a bit today.  

The SPL level I get with the Keces at 12 o clock I get with the CA-1 about 10 o clock position.  Its more powerful and suspect more current output too.

It has livened up the small Dalis. The Opticon 1 is regarded as bright by some but I hear it as more neutral and I do not like dark, overly warm, less transparent speakers but have a limit towards brightness too.  The Keces is regarded as slightly warm, the Hegel slightly cool but I feel neutral and I think the CA-1 is neutral in similar regard to the Hegel, perhaps some will find it slightly cooler.  The upper mids may be a bit more accentuated adding to this slight coolness but it seems fairly transparent.  There are more micro-details in the CA-1 vs the Keces but I know the Hegel is good at microdetails but don't know how different as its been weeks since my last listen but feel the resolution remains better in the Hegel.

I think it plays closer to the Hegel's league or at least something in between my two amps.  But depending on music, mood, I could prefer to listen to one or the other.  No slouches here.

I have listened to other amps which were too gritty, loose bass, too much in the upper mids, vagueness, and so far I feel the CA-1 amp avoids these pitfalls.  If anything, and its too early to tell, maybe a bit more low end heft would be nice but I haven't listened to enough well recorded music to say its an issue or really any different than either the other two and its hard to tell on small monitors. I have another set of speakers with more warmth I will try later.

So far I am intrigued by the amp. Sounds more right than wrong and I hear wrong right away at least for me. It seems powerful. More than the Keces,

Just put on Nick Cave, the album No More Shall We Part and its good.  Along the lines of what I expect and somewhere in between my other two amps.  More lively compared to the Keces, and still a bit more rounded say on piano strikes versus the Hegel.  Seemingly more detail than the Keces, not sure yet with the Hegel but I feel it will be close. I think the Hegel is still a better performer from what I remember, maybe better separation, a bit more palpable in voices but its closer. I can see why some might prefer the tonality of the CA-1 versus the Hegel but the Hegel adds some life to notes but can sometimes seem harsh too, depending.  Real like performances can sound harsh as well.  Try listening to someone pounding piano keys in a room. 

Someone stated they had this amp but opted for the class A Musical Fidelity A-1 which is going to present a bit differently.  Just a preference and may sound fuller, smoother or preferred in one's room and speakers.  My initial feeling is this is a good amp at its price point and perhaps a bit above but I can't say it's the best for the price (so much out there) or a giant killer (there really are none). It does show harmony when its in the music and I am pleased with that. I don't think its as smooth as a class A or tube, but it's a solid performer from what I am hearing.  I wouldn't pair it with a bright speaker but neutral and slightly warm would work fine.  

It's a comparatively sparse amp with only 4 inputs, one being for turntables. I would have like one of the RCA jacks to have been a pre out for more easily adding a sub.  If it had a true balanced XLR or at least XLR inputs to utilize on many dacs, it would have been a plus too.  Still, it's adequate for my needs. Simple, easy and sounds good. Rides a balance between still being smooth, clarity and liveliness to be listenable for extended periods. For an easier listen if desired, I have the Keces but I feel I could listen for extended sessions without issue. Not relaxing, more engaging.  Heck all 3 are good at getting one to foot tap.

This rant is more me working out what am hearing.   I bought this used where the seller reduced his price substantially and not being but a few months old, I jumped on it.  Otherwise, someone else would be writing this and without the verbosity I have.

Steve G seemed to indicate he preferred the Set 120 which may have been designed to sound more like a single ended amp?  Perhaps the Set 120 was a bit warmer, been years since he heard so I wouldn't take it was better as the CA-1 is a solid performer that could work with many speakers and source equipment. Definitely has clarity, with sufficient resolution and detail.  As for musicality, depends on what you are after I suppose.  I am enjoying it so far. 

Is it worth the full price?...only you can decide that.  I think so but I was patient and got lucky which is more my style anyhow.  Missed a few too.  There's alot of integrated out there right now.

Also looked at Iota SA40, among a few others but wanted this based on Van Alstine's long reputation for sound quality, reliability and just the right amount of quirkiness to not be a run of the mill brand and still considered compact. The Hegel is a beast. Overkill for me right now too.  Probably look to list it.

Now...what to do about small speaker upgrading?








I also wondered how an NP-1 would go with say a Musician Monoceros? If the amp is a bit cooler and transparent, the pre mentioned might add some warmth and low end heft from what I read from others.  If I bought the NP-1 I might have gone that route.