Responses from agwca
Why did you purchase the equipment you have and what do you like most about it? Purchased alot of mid priced gear over the years and at this stage I know what I need and don't so much in SQ. I listen at low to moderate levels and wanted gear that isn't too bulky, sounds great to me and has a reputation for reliability and lo... | |
Has it all been worth it? Gone though alot of gear myself. Never bought super expensive gear costing multiples of thousands but have spent 2 grand on speakers and a bit more on an amp, both discounted and were closer to double retail. At this stage, I listen at lower to m... | |
Anybody having trouble getting near-your-asking-price for used gear ? (Plz. no hype) With used gear in an environment where new gear are having to have substantial markdowns for sales people notice. If velocity of used sales and prices have a downward trend, unless someone finds their dream piece and jumps on it, time will go by ... | |
Is there any such thing as a bad sounding DAC these days? Today, it is expected that any dac over a $100 sound pretty decent with either improvements or a sound emphasis that perhaps provides a noticeable improvement or works better with one's amp, speakers, etc., that supports the increases in price. A... | |
Should I use Impedance 4 or 8? While I don't use tube amps, the Stereophile impedance curve shown from the review dated Mar 17, 2023 shows what some consider to be an older design when people used tube amps versus more modern designs where impedance curves are both flatter and ... | |
Class A bias, speaker sensitivity, watts...? Would like to try a really accomplished class A someday but don't want to deal with heat. Same with tubes I suppose. Purportedly, some class D can sound very class A like and that could be the best option. But if space suffers, instrument sep. ... | |
soft dome versus hard dome tweeters I had speakers with metal drivers for years, seemingly more info than previous soft domes although varied in ringing, glare or sibilant extension. Even some soft domes were overbearing. Then I went with Dali Menuet SEs which comparatively subdue... | |
Impedance - The most ignored and useful measurement tool Not long ago I went down that rabbit hole. Replaced a set of Focal 807Ws as I wanted to downsize. It's impedance curve if I remeber correctly show two humps in the bass regions and a rising impedance in the mids to relatively high ohms although ... | |
Does anyone listen to the radio anymore? In the car. | |
Frank is gone. AVA lives on! If the team stays together and brings other innovators and contributors, the brand will live on. Happy with my CA-1. Frank seemed to live a long life doing what he was good at and enjoyed. Few of us can say the same. | |
Is it O.K. To Speculate Re: Company Stability Here? In this day and age, no real guarantees and such that any product can become an heirloom product with ability to repair at least at reasonable cost and to bring back to original performance. Small brands can close down. So can larger brands. ... | |
Retirement integrated amp for a “fiscal conservative”…..Part 1: I have a plan At 68, do you want a heavy product or smaller, lighter but with good SQ you are looking for? I downsized and went with a V/A CA-1 and it suffices, more than I could get unless I spend double if not more. Might be different but for transparency an... | |
looking for bookshelves - Another usual boring speaker discussion I have a Hegel h160 and had Focal 807Ws, both a step down from your interests but I thought they went well together. Since then, I have been downsizing and have been using a V/A CA-1 which is as great sounding as the hegel and sufficient as I don... | |
ACTUAL MUSICAL SOUND VS. MEASUREMENTS If it moves me emotionally and I like it...fine. When I was first getting into this hobby and visiting music stores (decades ago), I appreciated the staff that would let me play my music on the equipment I wanted to compare in my price range and ... | |
Would you rent a $14,000 DAC for $75 per day? I once thought about this as a business model but so many scams out there, considerations about equipment getting returned in working condition, etc. I kind of wish there was enough interest in audio that say, a music museum could pop up with li... |