Qualio IQ owners, still happy?

I'd like to hear from current or former owners of these speakers. Also anyone who has had an audition of them. What do you think? These are on my radar.




@lanx0003 yes those measurements correspond to my listening experience. The IOs are not that good in bass. Superb for vocals as I mentioned earlier. 
A few minutes ago I received another speaker- Axxess L3. Beautiful. Huge on bass. I have just listened to them for 2 minutes for now. Will let them break in.

My thoughts on the IQ were similar when using 150 watt tube monoblocks. But using the high current SMc modified DNA 0.5 changed that opinion.

@ozzy62  how does one figure out if an amp is high current? I have a Gato AMP 150 and an Akitika GT102 Z4.

A good indication is if it doubles power as it halves the load.

Twice the power at 4 ohms from 8 ohms.


Your Gato amp comes close. The Akitika is probably not a good choice with the IQ.


thanks @ozzy62 I don't use the Akitika with the IQs. Either the Gato or I have a smaller amp- Vincent SV200. Doesn't satisfy your criteria- though I love the amp. Hybrid- lovely sweet sound. Belies it size.