Been using portable PC ever since I first saw and heard dedicated music streamers and the horrendous price demanded for the streamer or any options such as additional memory expanding HDDs.
I figured a streamer was only a "custom built" PC that automated the chores required to rip and then read digital files either from a server or the internet. Using a Windows PC is inexpensive and does a fine job if paired with a good DAC. I use a Mojo with a good, but not overly expensive, 3mm to RCA "jobber" cable connected to Anthem amplifier with Focal speakers. The results are very good, surprising even, and very affordable.
It remains a basic yet very good way to start "streaming" and maybe, heaven forbid, even remain at that level of sound quality (many would be surprised at what can be done affordably). The money saved can be spent acquiring a sizable CD collection from garage, yard sales and flea markets (remember, for the price of one or two purchased tunes one can get a lot of used, but still readable, CDs at... CD quality !).
The other, often overlooked, benefit is access to a world (literally) of music through internet radio thereby enhancing your musical knowledge and enjoyment. These albeit "low res" foreign radio station discoveries are priceless and allow me to refine my "flea market bin" searches.
Remember it is always about enjoying the music and the WAF concerning overall budget outlay is invaluable and not to be neglected...;-)