+1 @doyle3433 Volti Lucera, or Volti Rival, maybe Volti Razz. Very efficient.
I heard Volti Razz at several audio shows, sounded great top to bottom. The new model Lucera has the same size transducers as the Rivals. I own the Rivals.
Speaker Suggestions for Next Move
I'm considering moving on from my Klipsch Cornwall IVs. I'm looking for suggestions on new loudspeakers in the $8-$15k range. Used is fine too.
Here's what you need to know (or what I think you should know):
Side Note/Stuff I Don't Really Want to Discuss Here. You can note this stuff all you want and chat with others about it in the thread (won't bother me at all), but I'm not going to engage on (a) Klipsch Heritage is garbage and awful sounding; Trust me though, I do see how Klipsch builds to a pricepoint and could easily better its offerings with better parts, bracing/dampening, etc.; (b) modifications are dumb, wasteful, hurt resale, etc. I could care less about any of that. I'd prefer not to modify stuff--fyi; (c) detailed discussions about amplification and sources. I have and have access to various topologies, manufacturers/brands, etc.
Room: A bit large for me, historically. 15.5' wide, 23' long, with 10' ceiling. Speakers will be placed along the short wall.
Music Format: Vinyl 50%, Digital 40%, CD 10%.
Genres: Pretty much you name it. Jazz ~30%, Rock/Pop ~30%, Blues/Folk 30%; Classical ~10%.
I'm curious to trying Fyne, Spatial Audio, Spendor (classic line in particular), Tannoy, Volti, Harbeth, PSB's flagship, Wharfedale's flagship, ATC, Vandersteen, Devore. Open to others.
Thank you in advance!
+1 @doyle3433 Volti Lucera, or Volti Rival, maybe Volti Razz. Very efficient. I heard Volti Razz at several audio shows, sounded great top to bottom. The new model Lucera has the same size transducers as the Rivals. I own the Rivals. |
OP - I'd like to respectfully suggest that before you traded in your Klipsch speakers you consider another solution for your desired "scale in presentation." I have had the Theoretica Bacch4Mac application for spacial realism and the Bacch ORC for advanced room correction. I use this with Stirling LS3/6 speakers. Take a look & do some research. You may get what you want and get to keep your CWIV's. Best of luck. |
@treepmeyer , very interesting. Thank you. This is something worthy of researching to learn more. |
I highly recommend seeking an audition of the Børresen X3s somewhere, preferably with a ballsy amp, not one of the Axxess integrateds of their sister company. I power mine with a Yamaha A-S2100. Out of ≈40 pair of loudspeakers I’ve owned over the last decade, the X3s have been most consistently good at handling all genres, and not once have I been disappointed with any particular song I’ve played through this setup. They are also the only speaker with which I haven’t encountered at least one “wart” after a couple months of ownership. The only real “weakness” if I had to pick one is the lack of first-octave bass. With most music they play plenty deep and I can enjoy them completely without a subwoofer. Coming from Cornwalls though, you’d likely be very content with their bass extension. I am very familiar with the Klipsch Heritage sound. One thing that both the Cornwalls and X3s excel at is low volume dynamics. I pretty well agree with Steve Guttenberg’s review of the X3s with exception of soundstage—the X3s are the only speaker that have managed to achieve soundstage depth equal to my departed Magnepans. One thing of which I am certain is that you’d be impressed by the X3’s level of refinement. That’s not to knock the Klipsch, merely stating that they’re on a completely different level in that regard. But then the X3s are more refined than most $10-$15K speakers IME. |