Stack Audio - Anyone knows them?

The UK brand Stack Audio makes some footers and LAN filter. Has anyone tried some of them? Best KnockKnock12


I tried their LAN filter in my system and it muffled the sound. I do have an ultra clean ethernet feed as is, using an optical isolation bundle with LPS into a quality ethernet switch before reaching the streamer, but thought I would give it a try anyway due to the excellent reviews. The results were not as advertised or similar to the reviews I read. In fact the sound took a turn for the worse, like it added a veil to the sound. It may work well on a simple ethernet cable feed, but definitely was of no use on a high quality feed. You win some, you lose some. However they are very nice people and have a good return policy. 

@knockknock12  - Link below will lead you to the Stack Audio threads already on Audiogon.   That said I use the Auva 100 speaker isolators, and have a set of the EQ system isolators and have found the SQ benefits well worth the relativel modest price