Fink Team KIM
Fyne Audio Classic 12
Speaker Suggestions for Next Move
I'm considering moving on from my Klipsch Cornwall IVs. I'm looking for suggestions on new loudspeakers in the $8-$15k range. Used is fine too.
Here's what you need to know (or what I think you should know):
Side Note/Stuff I Don't Really Want to Discuss Here. You can note this stuff all you want and chat with others about it in the thread (won't bother me at all), but I'm not going to engage on (a) Klipsch Heritage is garbage and awful sounding; Trust me though, I do see how Klipsch builds to a pricepoint and could easily better its offerings with better parts, bracing/dampening, etc.; (b) modifications are dumb, wasteful, hurt resale, etc. I could care less about any of that. I'd prefer not to modify stuff--fyi; (c) detailed discussions about amplification and sources. I have and have access to various topologies, manufacturers/brands, etc.
Room: A bit large for me, historically. 15.5' wide, 23' long, with 10' ceiling. Speakers will be placed along the short wall.
Music Format: Vinyl 50%, Digital 40%, CD 10%.
Genres: Pretty much you name it. Jazz ~30%, Rock/Pop ~30%, Blues/Folk 30%; Classical ~10%.
I'm curious to trying Fyne, Spatial Audio, Spendor (classic line in particular), Tannoy, Volti, Harbeth, PSB's flagship, Wharfedale's flagship, ATC, Vandersteen, Devore. Open to others.
Thank you in advance!
@jbhiller If you're going to upgrade your speakers, you may want to consider upgrading to an end game pair of Focals. The speakers you've listed, and others have mentioned aren't in the same league as Focal Scala Utopias or Focal Sopra 3's. They check all your boxes - your room is large enough, there are some used pairs out there that fit your budget, they're easy to drive by SS or tube amp. I used to drive Utopias with a New Audio Frontiers 845 tube amp with only 25 watts per channel.
Best of luck with your project. |
@jbhiller I recommend Marten Oscar Trio speakers. I don’t think they have a lot of dealers in the U.S. though. |
I have a couple of suggestions in your price range. The first is the Linkwitz LX521 system, which you can readily afford as a DIY system. You can buy it fully pre-built and delivered to your doorstep, with amplification, for about $21k or so, but thatʻs out of your price range. This is the premier open baffle design there is, multi-amplified. Cost to build the speaker, with active crossover, $3500 for drivers and crossover, plus another $1000 for the flat pak kit. You could also build it yourself if you have wood working tools. The big question in expense is amplification, but you could certainly get it all done for less than $10,000 total. Easy. |