Dedicated CD Transport vs DAC


Just some honest questions...

In your opinion, based on what you have actually experienced....

1)  Which accounts for the most sonic improvement?  A quality dedicated CD Transport or a Quality DAC?

2)  If a person could assign a percentage... by what % did your cd transport improve your sound?  By what % did your new dac improve your sound?

3)  If you honestly gained an improvement in sound... was it like, " Oh my God, I can't believe how great this improvement is " or is it more like, " I can hear an improvement but no wheres nearly commensurate with the increase in price it cost me."

Coming from being highly invested in vinyl playback for the last 50 years... I'm struggling trying to decide how to improve the cd playback side of my system.

Up to this point in time, I've usually found cd playback to oftentimes sound hard, glaring, sterile, two dimensional, etc.

Which in your mind, helps to eliminate the above sound qualities that I dislike?  A new dedicated cd transport or a new dac?

Thanks much for taking the time to reply and help me better understand!

Best wishes,




In my experience, a better transport will simply extract more data from the disc. How much improvement YOU will hear, I can’t say. Consider the fact that the transport is first in the chain. 

With DACs, the sky’s the limit. The good news is that it’s not necessary to spend near as much on the transport. Buy something like a Jay’s CDT2MKIII and you’ll be set, no matter which DAC you end up with.


@glennewdick No question that the DAC is more important however if you have had a decent transport and then swapped in a better transport the impact is quite noticeable and shouldn’t be discounted 

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