Integrated Tube Amp approx. $2,500

I'm looking for suggestions on integrated tube amps in the $2,500 range, give or take a few hundred. My speakers are Klipsch Cornwall IVs with a Musician Pegasus II dac. I found the Black Ice Fusion F22 V.2 which looks interesting, but not a lot else in my price range. Thanks.



Yeah if it’s risk free then no good reason not to. I had an 1100 prior to my 2100 and enjoyed it for years. It paired pretty well with Heresy IIIs I owned at the time. The X200 series Yamahas are a little less “forward” than their predecessors so hopefully that will make for good synergy with your CWs. 


   Just for giggles check out ESP Hi-Fi Bar in Denver ( web site ), sorry for lack of a link. They run above your budget, but they’ve paired Line Magnetic with Klipsch.  And their pics are great eye candy. Might make you consider a used unit, but they do generate a good amount of heat. My son rented the place for his office party. I’ll leave out the shameless plug for his Realestate business . 😆 Cheers, Mike B. 

@buellrider97 The bar looks fantastic, and what a great idea. Live music is always fun, but this is a fabulous twist on how to present it in a way most people have never heard it. I've long ago quit the bar scene, but if this place was local I suspect I'd be hanging out there more often than I should.

The Line Magnetic products have been on my radar for a long time, and I frequently look for good deals on used amps. They do offer a few that are within my price range, and I would have pulled the trigger, but they were all 240v, whereas I need 120v (I did find the 210ia model for $2,500, with 120v, but it was 300b. I understand they may sound better, but I shied away from it due to the cost of 300b tubes. I may revisit that decision later).

During the course of this thread one person recommended the Yamaha A-S1200, 2100, a solid state alternative. I had never considered this, so out of curiosity I researched the product. To make a long story short, I was impressed with what I read so decided to purchase one. The amp was open box, so it was $900 off sticker price, but I still get a 5 year Yamaha warranty and I can return it within 30 days for any reason. I figured why not. If it doesn't mesh with my speakers I'll resume my tube journey.

I would be curious to know what you think about the Yamaha amp. Do share. Thanks

Yamaha is a pretty boring choice. Safe, accurate, flawless, but lacks musicality.