Magico speakers too clinical and fatiguing?

A while back I was very enthusiastic about these speakers. They look nice and supposedly supposed to sound very nice. I’ve heard them a few times and the level of precision and accuracy is very good. But is there too much science going on to create the speakers that makes them at times a little uncomfortable to listen to for more than a few minutes.

Are modern age speakers going nuts with all the science?


Yes and the earth is way too round for my personal preferences as well. Less science solves that no problem ( no pun intended).


Magico with right amp and set up well is pure heaven. It takes some science to figure those parts out. Random hunches are not the fast track to success.

" But is there too much science going on to create the speakers that makes them at times a little uncomfortable to listen to for more than a few minutes."

I literally do not understand what this means.  Because there is too much science behind them they are unlistenable?  There are plenty of speakers with plenty of science behind them, and I have never found that aspect makes them "unlistenable." 

Do you mean are they on the clinical side of things?  That has been my experience, as several others have posted - and its not because of the BS excuse I am seeing that "they just reveal what is upstream."  

Having heard so much in the trades about Magicos, I was interested to hear them at AXPONA. Shows are not ideal, I know, but I was underwhelmed. I heard plenty of other speakers that were much more to my liking, I guess it comes down to preference.