CEC Belt Drive CD Transports vs Jay's Audio CD Transports


I currently have a new LTA Aero Dac on order.  I have a feeling that I will be soon be ordering a new CD Transport to go with the new Dac and am trying to narrow down the options.

I am strongly considering either the Jay's CDT2MK3/CDT3MK3; but would also like to hear more about the CEC TL5 and the CEC TL-2N belt drive transports.

I'm curious if anyone has had the opportunity to compare CEC with the Jay's?

I would love to hear your thoughts and experiences - whether they be good or bad before I decide to pull the trigger.

Thank you and best wishes to you all!




When you had the opportunity to compare both the Jay’s Audio CDT2 and CDT3, do you happen to remember if an external clock was being used with either or both of the transports?

Thank you!



No there were no external clocks being used, the internal oven controlled crystal oscillators were used.


Thank you for your reply!  That is very helpful to know. 

Best wishes to you!


Post removed 
@kennyc Not sure if you’ve seen but the RS2 has had more than its share of reliability issues

@soix - thanks for the RS2 reliability update. - I have not been tracking

The TEAC VRDS-701T CD transport looks good, priced reasonable, and has a positive Stereophile review here