Looking for my End Game Speaker

I'm looking for my end game speakers.  My system currently consists a digital streaming front end with the Mola mola Tambaqui DAC and Grimm MU1 streamer along with Magico A3 speakers.  For amplification, I recently acquired on the used market, the Audionet Humboldt.  

I live in a small 960 sq ft condo in a highrise.  My system is in the great room (living, dining, and kitchen all in one).  Given the room configuration, my speakers have to be located close to a side wall (unless I radically change the room and block my balcony doors with my stereo).  Room dimensions are 12' x 16' (not including kitchen).   

The following speakers are on my list to auditon:

Marten Parker Trio,  Acora (SRB, SRC1, SRC2), Magico S3 - 2023, Magico M2, Joseph Audio, Franco Serblin, Rockport, Vivid Audio Giya G4, 

I have already heard the Acora SRC1 and thought they were amazing, however, perhaps a bit  bass shy.  

Given my room constraints, I'm concentrating more on the models that have a sealed box design.  Given that, I am very interested in the Magico M2 and S3 - 2023.  Has anyone heard these two models?  A used M2 would cost about the same as a new S3.  How do these two models compared?  Which would you choose?  

Can anyone recommend any other sealed box design speakers.....or any speakers that would fit into a relatively small room (close to the walls)?  I should also note that I would like a speaker that performs well with lower listening volumes....

I have booked my ticket to AXPONA 2025, so I'm making a list of speakers that I should audition.




You'll absolutely love the monitor audio Hyphn speakers, little pricey though at $120,000 Canadian but the platinum series is phenomenal sounding they will beat speakers 2 to 3 times the price they put Magico and Wilson to shame.

Grislybutter, awesome list but not sure that all of the prices are accurate. I noticed that that the Tekton Encore was listed as being $4,000.00. 

@danbro I just updated all the prices, but have not posted them yet. I enter the prices and data I find. In 10% of the cases, there is no data to be found.

It really depends on the tonality characteristics you are looking for.  Yes, go to shows to get a flavor ot tone you are looking for.  There are so many variables.  You can build a system from your speakers backwards or the other way around.  The room will make a huge difference.  

...just to share a different take on an 'end game (for the) speakers themselves....

The Grail Moviehouse had some decent sound in Theatre One....

The rest of the place looks worse, a total loss; 8 years goes *poof*.....😔