Suggestions for phono preamp for LOMC's

I am looking for a phono preamp that will work with LOMC cartridges.   Budget up to $2500 but would be quite happy spending significantly less.  I have about $10k invested in my table/arm so any appropriate suggestions would be appreciated.   New or used would be fine.


A Modwright SWP 9.0 SE, an older discontinued model, is specifically designed for LOMC cartridges and is an excellent American made tube unit. Dan Wright, the founder and owner, is accessible and helpful. Used units fit within your budget. You can also look for used or demo units of the newer models, but they will likely exceed your budget. Highly detailed, quiet without an excessively “tubey” sound. Great frequency extension at both top and bottom and natural instrument timbres. The Music Room is a dealer and occasionally has used units as owners move up to more costly models. 

When one uses the phrase,” specifically designed for MC cartridges”, what does that mean? I assume it means that the phono stage has gain sufficient to allow the use of a low output moving coil cartridge without the need for a step up transformer (at least 60 db gain). This is in contrast to phono stages that have a built-in step up transformer for LOMCs, driving a moving magnet (low) gain stage (typically 40-50 db). Is that correct?


If I were in the market for a Phono-Pre, I would ask for advice, read reviews and make a SHORT LIST OF UNITS TO DEMO.

Because the transducer (cartridge) feeds the phono-pre, it may even more important to  to demo phono-preamps than line-stages and amps (yes, these are also demo-ing, if possible).

That being said, I am very happy with my Zesto Andros, which I have had for many years (I have no affiliation).  In fact, I may upgrade to a newer Andros version in 2025. 

You should be able to find a good, used Andros in your stated budget.  Add $150 for four new tubes, and you should be satisfied for many years to come.

Best of luck with the search.


Good question.  The Phono 70 has 70 db of gain and it is my understanding that it is not a good match for anything >.5mV output.  The designer of the unit stated it was specifically designed for LOMCs, primarily in the .2 mV to .5 mV range.

With my prior phono preamp I had to crank the volume up fairly high to achieve a reasonable volume level with my .2mV Ortofon cartridge.  Not so much anymore.

Great suggestions from everyone.   I am researching all options listed here.  Thank you very much.  Keeping them coming.