???Compare-Contrast or Comment???Harbeth-ProAc or Reference 3a???

In preparation for moving from a house with dedicated listening room,to a small condo,my 56 lb.Tube Integrated Amplifier,separate DAC & 3 way floorstanding speakers are,as of today,all sold & gone..
My bedroom system,consisting of a SimAudio Moon 240i driving Dynaudio Excite X18 speakers is now my only system...
I will probably upgrade the 240i NEXT YEAR to a Pathos Inpol Remix Mk.II with 25wpc.@ 8 ohms running Class A,but for the next year the 240i will be the front end...
After tons of research,uTube videos & some personal experience I have narrowed down my short list to:
1:Harbeth M30.2xd..
2:ProAc Response D2,although I’m not sure if these would be the soft dome or Ribbon tweeter version..The ProAcs do also offer my favorite finish of Ebony so that’s a BIG + in their favor..
3:Reference 3a De Capo,probably with the available soft dome tweeter unless I can be convinced the Beryllium tweeters really wouldn’t sound metallic or bright..These aren’t the most beautiful finish BUT they are also about HALF the cost of Harbeth & about $1500.00- $1750.00 less than ProAc depending on tweeter chosen...
I have extensive ears on experience with Harbeth M30.1’s so I have a pretty good idea of what the M30.2’s would give me...
The ProAcs I might be able to demo in a few weeks...
The Reference 3a’s would have to be ordered blind & run for 2 weeks before deciding if they were keepers...
So I’m looking for comments from A’goners with in ear experience or solid anecdotal knowledge of any of these speakers to aide me in deciding if:
1:I want to make the 8 hour round trip to demo the ProAcs &
2:The Reference 3a would be worth ordering blind & which tweeter to chose...Thanks for your participation,I appreciate it..
PS:Music listened to includes everything from Ambiant/Spa,String quartets & Classical,Big Band/Swing,Smooth Jazz/Classic Jazz,Classic Rock,Acoustic & Electric Blues & Reggae at normal to lowish listening levels & an occasional rock out session...


One of my least favorite speakers are Harbeth. Be careful when a manufacturer proclaims something to be of sonic benefit which then turns out to be the cheapest way to make the speaker. They sound just as they should given the lossy cabinet and wide baffle. 

I would say go with the De Capo although running drivers at full range can limit dynamic output. 

These are great speakers, but overpriced, for different reasons, and also vastly different in nature. Really apples and oranges. 

Still, by sheer data and specs, the Reference 3a is the best value. The ProAc may be the best sounding though, for you needs. 

+1 on Harbeth 30.2. Give it good amplification and it will reward you in ways few speakers can. Natural, balanced, beautiful tonality and timbre, and an exquisite midrange.