SimAudio Moon Series versus Accuphase

Looking to add a new pre-amp / amp to my system. I will be driving vintage Sonus Faber Extrema's. I am only interested in Class A/B design Amps at this time.These Speakers like a lot of power....

I am really only looking for opinions on the SimAudio P850 pre-amp with their 870A amp versus the Accuphase C2900 pre-amp with their P7500 amp.



The reason I haven’t considered it is because I have an EMM Labs DA2V2 Dac and an Autender W20 that I like very much. The new Moon series Pre-amps are all in ones. Why pay for tech I don’t need. I still believe the 850p which remains in their line up as a superior pre-amp. 

The 850 P is a superb preamp but if you really want to take it to the next level the 861 amplifier is far superior to the 870A I just bought one and it blew away by w8 I can hear things way in the back of the sound stage that weren't as clear with the w8 it's a lot of money but it'll be the last amp you probably ever will need, and if you want to take your sound to the next level look at the Townshend podiums, they isolate vibration down to three hertz so the vibration doesn't go into the floor and back into your speakers and other equipment biggest upgrade I've ever done to my system it was as if I had bought more expensive electronics it was that significant, they're far superior to the ISO acoustic Gaia.