Is There A Better Solution?

 After settling some amplification challenges with my main rig, I am facing the reality that my beloved Raven Osprey 3.1 needs to go - in favor of an all in one, maybe, solution. Our home where the Raven lived was too large - open floor plan to deliver all the dynamics needed on occasion so I got a more powerful amp that works well - Audio Hungary X200. 

So then the ask from the crowd is for the second rig, in a condo, used for both stereo music and video (TV+) 2.0 listening in a decent quality set up - Audio GE Rautilio 80 speakers;  HiFi Rose 250A DAC/streamer; Nuprime CDT-8 Pro Transport; Rega P3, Exact/MoFi pre; SR Foundation (mostly) Cabling...Will the NAD M33 be a reasonable compromise of convenience as a sub of the HiFi Rose and Raven? Is there a better solution - just replace the Raven? 

WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS !! ...well, I'm married, and want to stay that way. The wife will not tun on a tube amp ...and I loathe burning through rare NOS tubes to watch BRAVO ...ratio of music to TV is 60/40.

There is a used NAD M33 on TMR and having had good ie. easy results in the past with them, I would flip the Raven and Rose for the NAD for little added scratch.

I don't want to sell in the wild so I am limited to what TMR sells new or on their marketplace. I would be willing to spend $1K more than the trade would be worth - I'm guessing ~ $4K, so $5K of in market value. Used obviously is fine.

Thanks for all your thoughts ... and prayers.




I didn’t like the sound of the M33 with Magenpan 1.7s. How about a Musical Fidelity M6.

Thanks for your thoughts and suggestions. I am ideally  looking to consolidate the streaming as well. I'm also looking at the AVM CS2.3 and Cambridge EVO 150 on the TMR site. From what I can tell, the NAD is a step above - I am also curious to see how well Dirac works for my set-up. TMR also has Naim Uniti but they look to suffer from reliability issues.

This is so hard ...

@stesol, I suggest you call TMR, explain the situation and ask for some recommendations. Describe your needs, budget, etc. and see they suggest. 

I did this several years ago and purchased the Musical Fidelity M6Si integrated amp.  I like it very much.   




Thanks @hgeifman  - I do plan on calling TMR for their suggestions. I am hoping to gather other expert opinions from this crowd before I do so. 


I believe the M33 would be a good all in one option. The BluOs is excellent as well. There are a couple other options I would give serious consideration to as well. The Cambridge EXA integrated and the Yamaha R-N1000A. Like the Cambridge both have excellent operating systems and are very well reviewed for sound quality. Good luck with your search.

