Has anyone heard the new OPPO BDP-83SE

If the price/performance ratio of this $899 player (as listed on OPPO's web site) is comparable to their past offerings this should be the mother of all giant killers.
So buying a BDP-83 and than upgrade to 83SE costs $100 less than buying a 83SE? Interesting pricing.
sidssp...you got it. the difference is you don't get the Special Edition moniker on the upgraded BDP-83 because they don't switch out the faceplate to the new version with "Special Edition" written next to BDP-83. But more to your point, the pricing is smart because they don't alienate existing BDP-83 customers with the rollout of an SE version with upgraded audio chip sets and power supplies so soon after the initial roll out of the BDP-83, plus they immediately get an upsell from a certain persentage of existing BDP-83 customers. It makes a lot of business sense.
I wonder how the SE compares to the modified players from Ref Audio mods and others? Anyone have one of those??
It almost makes sense to buy a BDP-83 and have it upgraded to SE status except for the additional shipping charges and diminished resale value. I agree, it does make a lot of business sense for OPPO to structure their product line up this way for the reasons stated above.
I've been looking for a one box solution for my rather traditional tube powered stereo that I use for home theater. Based on what I've read I'm sure the video performance is very good. I hope the performance of the BDP-83SE on CD/SACD is satisfying as well. Look forward to reading some feedback about the audio performance of the dedicated analog stereo output of this machine.
11-10-09: Blindjim

Albert, what about it's SD DVD action? SACD? DVDA?

Jim, according to Oppo website the stereo section is upgraded as well, I assume that means CD and SACD sound are also improved by the mod.

As for DVD, it does an excellent job with that, I've watched several DVD as well as Blue Ray movies on my 1080 (46") Sony and the image quality is the best I've owned.

As for tests, I remember reading some in depth reports somewhere on the net where the BDP-83 whipped up on pricey competitors in almost every video category.