@calgarian5355 Authorized Vivid Audio dealer here. The G3 is a wonderful speaker, but as a word of caution… while the G2, G3, and G4 all seemingly have side ports, they are still angled so they fire towards the front wall. If you have 3ft behind them, that likely won’t be much of an issue, but if it’s less, you might. That said, in your space, you can also highly consider the Vivid Kaya 90, or even the smaller Kaya 45. Both speakers should be able to adequately fill that space, and their side firing ports truly fire sideways.
I will say that to maintain the big voice of the G1 Spirits, the G3 and G4 push a lot more air out of their cabinets due to the constrains in size, so this makes for a big factor to consider, one which may make the Kaya a better fit for the space.
The Kaya has a livelier presence, but the Giya is a bit smoother and more refined. Depending on the rest of the electronics pairing, they can both be winners in your space. But if you have a speaker that is pushing too much air into the space such that it cannot perform its best, then you are doing yourself a disservice.
I will say that Vivid makes amongst the best speakers on the market, both for money and for cost no object. Happy to help in any way I can if you have more questions, either on this thread or via PM.