Holy Holostages!!

Full disclosure, I'm a tweaker. I've tried many different products that claim to improve the sound quality of your setup or tame the acoustics in your room. They have been carefully selected, all have a generous return policy. For example, LessLoss products have excellent price to performance numbers. F

Their Power Base & Speaker Base will blow your mind & their Firewalls for Loudspeakers move the needle considerably toward achieving an immersive, natural & relaxed stereo image. Synergistic Research's FEQ Carbon + 3 Carbon ATM's achieves a similar sonic effect by taking a different electronic approach. 

This brings me to HeartSound Audio's Holostages. Have you ever wondered what it feels like to go swimming in your music? Well, that's exactly what Holostages do for your listening environment by eliminating even the most stubborn acoustic anomalies in your room. You are now in the middle of the performance that wraps around you entirely as it draws you closer & closer resulting in a dreamy sounding. How can these inconspicuous passive little black boxes have such a profound effect you ask? I don't have that answer except to say, they do!

Since Holos are so portable, it's easy to tune the room more to your liking. If you find the soundstage is too wide, tall or immersive & you prefer a more intimate club setting, the placement of another Holo or 2 closer to speakers or components can alter the image more to your liking. I have 1 on top of each Floorstander also. There is 1 Holo on top of both rear surround speakers. 1 set of 4 Holos will be plenty. As for the 2nd set of 4 Holos, I am experimenting with optimal locations.

Finally, the fact that I can easily hear the benefits of Holostages over the already effective LessLoss & SR acoustical treatments speaks a lot about what this product is capable of. Holostages are future proof & can enhance the sound of any 2ch stereo system. They really are that good!

These are only my initial impressions of the HoloStages after 36hrs of listening. And to the skeptics, don't knock 'em if you haven't tried 'em. However, I already know how your experience will turn out. 

More later on the addition of 2nd set of Holostages.

Mac F





I posted many posts about acoustics and psycho acoustics information instead of insulting or gangstalking the people who seems up over your head or down under your feet .. ...cool

I appeal to thinking and arguments...

You last post is insinuation and insult..

Is your post an appeal to another gangstalking ? Or the expression of your  way of being ?


My last posts here had 2 goals:

First pointing that the OP experience make sense to me...

Second: we can make experiments in vibration controls at no cost and reach if not the same results than the OP at least a satisfying experience...( for example with springs, micro quartz crystals, or diverse materials)

Third : only hateful people can attack me because i say this ...

I have 6 Holostages in my Camaro convertible RS V6 with the upgraded Bose Stetmreo. I have never been much of a Bose stereo guy but did like the one that came with this car. Upon adding a few of the Holostages to my back seat my sound system started to become more three dimensional. Several months and 4 more Holostages later the sound is way above anything I have heard in any car. And I have heard a 20k custom system in a Genisis car at an Audiophile Christmas Party in Tampa Florida about 4 years ago. The soundstage is huge and covers the entire windshield. The vocals actually have texture and the three dimensionality pops out at you  There is also some great bass now and it us not overblown but hits hard when appropriate  I had very little expectations for the Holostages in my car as I have never been a car audio guy.

I put 2 of them in my car at the end of last winter when it was a warm day and I could put the top down. 30 minutes later I was able to drive with the top down and I could already tell the sound was changing albeit slightly. I could tell it was a little better a day later even though I felt that the bass was a little diminished. The bass came back and then some a few days later! Anyhow, about 6 months later now the sound just makes me laugh and smile! There is another positive aspect to these things but I will save that for another time. If anyone in the Chicagoland area would like to hear my car I would be glad to meet you somewhere in between your place and mine out  in Sugar Grove, IL. Trust me hearing is believing!

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