A lot of wrong info here. You don’t need the modem to be out in the open, the function of the modem is to connect it to a router and that router needs to be in the open for better WiFi distribution. The best setup is to have the modem and the router separate.
I setup corporate networks in the 90’s and people make things so complicated. You have many options on routers, buy your own or get a supplied one from your isp. The master router (could be your only router) will hook up to the modem and this router will need to be setup with your WiFi ssid, passwords, and any tweaking of channels, port forwarding, etc..
‘This is where it can get more complicated. Most homes today (except for studio apartments) you will need more than 1 router to get better coverage. Mesh is the best way to do this but only if you use the current 6e/7 standard mesh routers. This allows you to use the backhaul with a private channel that is very fast and only used between the routers. Also, the best setup is to wire all the routers using cat 6 or above cables, only use the backhaul if you can’t wire them together.
I use 4 mesh routers in my house and each router provides an Ethernet connection thru a switch to my roon endpoint.
‘Always use wired connections, never use wap’s, Ethernet over power lines, even WiFi to an audio device, use a wired connection.