Looking for more advice on purchasing a new turntable.

So I’m looking for Opinions/Advice from people who have high-end turntables and the experiences with. 
First, I’ll start with my system. It consists of a Prima Luna preamp and two Prima Luna amplifiers along with the prima Luna phone stage with a pair of magnepans 1.7 My budget for the table is $5000 new or used, but for that price I would want it to come with a really good cartridge otherwise, 4000 for the table and 1000 for the cartridge. 
Thanks I look forward to your recommendations. 


The VPI HRX for sale on AG would be my pick.  I have never heard a VPI table I didn't like.

I love that Michell Gyro Dec !    It not only has the superb musicality...It's a "Looker"... 

I would think about upgrading your loudspeakers. Perhaps 3.7s so you can get the good tweeter.

How about a new Rega P8 (or a lightly used Rega P10) with an Apheta 3 cartridge? The Rega cartridges have the no-fuss three point attachment

It’s a great tt, no messing with removable headshells or multiple tone arms.

I never quite bought into why you need multiple tone arms to use multiple cartridges, nor do I play mono records, but that’s just me.

That personal choice aside, the more stuff you get (multiple tonearms, and cartridges etc.) the more diluted each part gets for the $$ you are willing to spend.

I’d rather have ONE solid tt that doesn’t need fussing and ONE cartridge so I am not diluting my $$ on a bunch of different parts.