300B Tube Amps with 15/16 Watts Per Channel?

Felix Audio makes the dual 300B amp "Lybra"--are there any other manufacturers of that gear?.Does anyone have experience using two each 300B tube amps modified to be two monoblocks with 15/16 watts output power each? If yes, did you hear any difference in the exquisite 300B sound other than more power? All experiences and thoughts appreciated. (Yes, expense is already noted)

Ag insider logo xs@2xcondosound

I built a parallel 300B SET based on an ANK kit with a lot of modifications. I don’t have much experience with a single tube SET, but my amps sound very nice. Check out my virtual system. 

What you want is a Parallel Single Ended 300B amplifier...Look at:
 BorderPatrol S20EXD...
Fezz Audio Lybra...
World Audio Design...
Audio Space Reference 3.1 & Audio Space AS-6M...
Manley Labs Neo-Classic SE/PP 300B.........