Hegel H120 or H190


I’m considering getting an Hegel integrated amplifier. I like their sound, they are in my budget range and they feature the functions I will use. Because of my budget, I’m considering a H120 or a H190, used or new. H390 and H400 are out of my budget I think.

After several tests, I would say the H190 sounds slightly better (wider soundstage, more precision) but it’s not day and night though so I am still wondering what to do because it is also much more expensive, whether used or new.

I’d like to know your thoughts about that, if any of you had the two and used them over the course of several weeks or months.

Speakers are B&W CM1 (bookshelf); I’ll probably upgrade them within 2 or 3 years. I rarely listen to my music above 80 db and the room is about 17 square meters.

Thank you very much for your ideas!


quiet clean power it has will just sound better at lower listening volumes

I seriously doubt that

Take this with a grain of salt as I dont know what kind of music you listen to, but a quick search on USAM turned up a pair of Harbeth C7ES and a Hegel h190 for around $4600 (separate ads) which are thought to have good synergy.

I based your budget on a new h190 listing at $4200.

along the lines of previous suggestions: buy a bee farm. It has nothing to do with your question just like many of the comments here 

From reading online it appears the digital section of the H120 and H190 are identical.  I think basically it comes down to are u going to hear a difference with 75 wpc vs 150 wpc driving your speakers when listening at 80 dB ?  I think you will hear more of an improvement with an H120 and better speakers than an H190 with current speakers.