Does old-fashioned necessarily mean out of date?

Having recently purchased an amplifier that I expect would not command the attention it might have a decade or so ago, it leads me to the following observation and question.

While technological innovation in the design and construction of audio equipment continues admirably unabated, I would assert that there are venerable products still being manufactured whose qualities seem to remain not only undiminished but unsurpassed regardless of the "cutting edge" products they are juxtaposed to.  I believe that one such product is the Ars-Sonum Filarmonia XP Universum.  It is meticulously--in fact, lovingly--constructed.  It utilizes high quality components assembled in an effective architecture to produce its modest but robust output of 28 wpc. Most importantly, the sound it produces, in conjunction with the right equipment, can only be described as glorious.  

So what I am wondering  is whether there are others who agree that the best way to go forward sometimes is to stay deliberately still.  And if so, to which pieces of equipment would this thinking apply.




Seems you are on the outside looking in meaning you have not listened to current top gear. High-end audio the sonics are significantly much better and thus much more engaging than box store components. Trying to think box store to reality is all there is to high-end audio is wrong. Audio reproduction is not an exact thing, so there are many sonic flavors/presentations with different components. Only direct listening experience will you understand the differences.

The sonics are so much better and engaging- that’s why we pay a premium above box store prices. To truly understand, I suggest demoing for yourself, best a major audio show like AXPONA. It’s like visiting the beach the first time - it’s more than lots of sky, sand, water - words not enough to describe the experience.

There's any number of reasons or rationals in preferring older 

gear...or even the ones that have the qualities that one can simply afford 

and still allow the music to come through in the fashion desired.

Having to replace my hearing aids, the price of a decent level of integrated amplifier doesn't seem excessive, and has a major impact on what and how I


There's the risk of so many levels of tech between the source and the apprehension of the desired result that the discussion becomes moot...

Place your bets...;)

Hi, magh! Awhile ago, eh? *G*

I have a few key pieces to my system that are from different eras. A Thorens 124 turntable designed in the late 50's, a Scott tuner designed in the early 60's, a Revox reel-to-reel tape player from the 70's. It all fits in nicely with contemporary gear that I also enjoy. I found that the turntable and tuner sound better than the more modern designs I was using, so I went to them for an improvement in my musical experience, not nostalgia. 

I also have a 60's Scott 299a integrated amp that I think sounds beautiful, but nowhere near as complete a musical experience as my contemporary Zesto electronics. So I would not say that old is always better than new, or vice-versa.

I'm glad it is all still out there for me to try and decide for myself.


A modern SUV can drive circles around a sixties Jaguar E-type, yet the latter provides unmatched, unalloyed driving pleasure (more so if equipped with the early Moss 'box!).

However, and without belaboring the obvious, if your goal is predictable transportation the SUV wins. Yet a good E-type is worth more than a couple new SUVs.

The beauty of the audio world is that not only you can buy 1990-2000's world class gear for a small fraction of the cost of today's best, but depending on what kind of component it is the performance gap may not even be that significant.


It is very easy to become immersed in the idea of equipment and place the Value in the equipment owned and not it’s actual Capability to produce music.

It is also an option to seek out and discover audio equipment that has the attribute that creates a music that is easy to become immersed in.

Equipment capable of immersing one in the music can in my experience be as Old as 70 Years since production.

On my sleeve I wear equipment that creates / produces music that can immerse me in their somewhere.

I really don’t need the latest Fad and Market Speil.