SACD Multichannel player - $400 budget

Want to put a player in my home theater system for around $400 (used). If money was not a consideration I would opt for a Sony XA777ES. Not interested in any Denon players. Suggestions much appreciated.
Sony DVP-NS9100ES and 9000ES DVD/CD players do multichannel SACDs. Both are becoming pretty cheap these days.

The 9100ES also has a great picture, although I'm sure you've already got that covered. I have the 9100 and it sounds very good to me on CD and SACD, but I admit I have not heard any other high end SACD players.

GOod luck
If you can purchase a preowned Marantz DV6001 Universal player (no longer manufactured), you'll be very satisfied with its sound. I purchased one on Audigon preowned. It was only about a year old and got a great deal. Seller was fantastic. It's a multi-channel SACD player, DVD player, CD player, etc. Since my purchase, I have now invested in about 20 hybrid multi-channel SACDs from the Allman Brothers to Carole King to Marvin Gaye to Spyro Gyra, etc. Sound is stupendous.

FYI, there is a preowned Marantz DV8400 Multi-channel SACD/DVD player for sale at for $300.00 under DVD players. This unit is a step above my DV6001 so there you go. Can only sound better !!
??? I still have the XA777ES and an XA9000ES in perfect function and commend them. (OTOH, my Philips SACD1000 is still working well, too, do not recommend it.)

Another consideration is if Kira's HT system has HDMI input. If so, consider the Pioneer DV-58AV.

I'd consider the Oppo BDP-83 ($499 new). I have the DV-980H ($167), and am very happy with it. When I upgrade, I'll get a BDP-83. Good luck on your quest!