Borresen X1 & X2

I recently demoed these speakers and thought they were great, but I heard strange imaging on the X1. The soundstage was absolutely huge, but the vocals were on the ceiling above my head on the demo tracks the dealer played. On some other tracks, it wasn't as pronounced, but they were still very high, maybe 10ft above the speakers. The room we were in was large and had very high ceilings. 

Then we switched to the X2, and they didn't do that. The image was still huge, but down to a normal height maybe 6ft off the floor. 

At first I assumed it was something to do with the room acoustics, but it was different with the different models. 

Anyone hear these speakers and notice what I did? 


I've seen it. 

I mentioned before that I believe the dealer had accidentally reversed the +&- on one of the cables. I wish I would have checked when I was there and surprised he didn't notice it. 

Traudio I wish you did examine it. Your thread will affect x1 buyers. If I did not have my x1 . I might not get one. Glad I read Steve Huff reviews .

Did Borresen stop making the X series? I could not find it on their website.

I just got my X1's yesterday along with a Primaluna EVO 400 Integrated and am still burning/breaking everything in.  I'm using some World's Best Ultimate 7awg speaker cables for now (my Taras are on order).  So far I'm very pleased, but I have noticed that toe angle makes a dramatic difference (I have a very small room - 12' x 11' x 8').  So far, no complaints.