Which of my components has the better built in DAC?

Hi, I have a Mcintosh c2700 preamp and also have the 2024 Bluesound Node, both units have a "built in" DAC.
I know that there are better options available but this is what I have to work with today.
Does anybody have a preference or recommendation which to use? Also what is the recommended hook up , digital coax or the optical?

Ultimately I will need to test out the options but please help me with a good starting point.
Thanks for any help!!


My bet would be on the DA2module in your C2700.  But I would suggest that you listen to both and decide for yourself which you like best. As far as interconnects that’s subjective as well.  When I was using the DA1 in my MA8900 I used the usb connection so I can’t tell you which of the two options you mentioned is better.  Again you should try both and see which one you like.

  • USB:

    Offers the best potential for high-resolution audio transmission and is often considered the most versatile option. 

  • Coaxial:

    A good choice for reliable digital signal transfer, especially if your DAC has a high-quality coaxial input. 

  • Optical (Toslink):

    May be suitable for basic setups but may not support the highest sample rates compared to other options.