Preamp for my CODA 5.5 amp

purchased a 5.5 coda amp. now trying to figure out what pre owners of a coda amp are using. Also interested in full range speaker matches


To answer the OP’s question I use a Luxman C900U preamp with the Coda S5.5. It was what I had when I purchased the amp. I’ve been considering changing preamps myself but have to admit that the combination is pretty darn good as is. I’m sure there are probably better matches out there. 

The CODA 5.5 cannot drive either of my speakers. I got that info from Doug Dale, main guy at CODA. My Yamaha NS5000 likes power to sound their best and so did my old Magnepan LRS+. I was thinking of the 5.5 monos for the LRS+ or NS5000.

I tried my current Magnepan Mini with the Schitt Aegir mono’s (sort of similar to the 5.5) and it was too underpowered (terrible bass).

I get the idea of getting an amp before speakers. I bought the Mini because I had the Sanders Magtech amp in the house and that amp is perfect for Maggies.

With the 5.5 get a relatively efficient speaker.

too bad dave and troy spend all their time trying to plug their brands in the forums. If they pay attention to business, they'd know I sent them information regarding Legacy speakers. In the long run I doubt they have any inventory anyway.


VAC preamps sound absolutely great with Coda amplifiers! My VAC Renaissance 2A/Coda 16.0 duo has my system sounding better than ever. Speakers are Borresen X3. All the best!

The Luxman preamps are excellent and pricey.  My own experience with prior CODA amps would demand a really juicy tube pre or similar.  Lux is close with very liquid mid and extention in treble and bass.