Recommendations for MM Phono ~ Tube or Solid State

As title suggests, I am currently using a MC Cart - Etsuro Bordeaux and planning on adding an SUT. The TT is Garrard 301 with Reed 3P tonearm.

SUT under consideration,

1) Etsuro ET-U50

2) Swissonor PPP-PP Hashimoto HM7

3) EMIA Copper or Silver version

On top of my list is Leben RS-30EQ and Accuphase C-47.

Also planning on adding 2nd Reed tonearm with Miyajima Labs Zero or Infinity Cart. From a purist perspective, what would be your recommendation to get the best out of a mono cart.

Thank you!


My point was merely to correct you as regards the current exchange rate between pound and dollar.  First, you estimated that a used Essential 3160 can be found for $2500, and then you estimated you could find one in the UK for only 1200 GBP, which is much less than $2500. US$2500 is more like 1950 GBP. I now see that you simply mis-estimated the exchange rate.  There is also a question whether the 3160 can run on 240V.  Possibly it can do so; I think there is a switch on the rear of the PS chassis or inside the PS chassis, for that, but maybe not.

No matter what most of us say, most of us (including you and I) at least occasionally fall into the trap of equating cost with level of performance, which is nearly always misleading if not plain wrong.

One never knows, does one? I hadn’t mentioned the Essential 3160 previous to your question about what stage has separate MM and MC circuits, because of its rarity. But if you can find one, I can recommend it very highly. Actually, Raul may be able to help you acquire one, from someone who is moving "up" to the 3180. Another company that makes phono stages with multiple separate RIAA circuits is DSA. Their Phono III, which offers not one, not two, but three discrete RIAA circuits that can operate in balanced or unbalanced mode and with very flexible gain set separately for each circuit. Nothing tops that for flexibility. I heard an early version in my home courtesy of Doug Hurlburt, the designer. Very good.


Thank you for your recommendation on DSA. I will read up on its potential in my system. No offense but I will never consider buying a one off product due to my past experience. I lost over $11K in one such product :-( 

Was it stolen, or did you lose $11K between buying it and later selling it? If the latter, as I am sure you realize, audio gear is not a good way to invest. Also, if you choose carefully and like what you buy, you will keep it for many years. Those many years of listening pleasure are compensation for any long term cost of ownership. In any case, you cannot lose $11K, if you pay $4K (what I paid for mine) or less (if you believe Pindac) for an Essential 3160, and a DSA phono III can also be had used for less than $11K, I would think.

Wait! I thought of a third possibility for how you could have lost $11K.  The unit malfunctioned and because it was "boutique" or a one-off, you could not get it serviced.  Is that it?  If so, neither the 3160 nor the phono III fall into that category.  Good service is available on both.