Ken Fritz's $1M Dream System update

If you haven’t heard about Ken’s story, it’s an interesting one and will punctuate the importance of balance in life.

Here’s somehting I cam across with how much his system actually went for:



i met Ken at audio shows a couple times and talked to him on the phone. he called me about tape decks a few times. we had some things in common as far as our desire for an ultimate room and hifi system. but his direction was different than mine. so as far as over-the-top commitment to music and hifi i can relate to him.

it is sad to see the negativity as part of his legacy, and it’s been unfortunate how the spin of it has gone. yes; there are lessons to be learned.

personally, even though my commitment was considerable, my family never was sucked into it other than my wife allowing me to do it and her understanding of how i liked it. i worked 6 days a week for 50 years and hifi/music was my stress relief. my children never have been a part other than my son helping with my network stuff as he is an expert. one time he helped me with a project for a day, and i gave him an expensive bicycle.

having a super hifi system and exotic room can be something complimentary to a happy balanced life. one thing for me is that my children have not provided me with grandkids. only a grand-dog. so from that perspective that would have taken much of my hifi fire away and directed my time and energy differently. been married 50 years and we are going strong, retired 18 months ago, all is well. and still love my system and spend hours a day in it with a smile. my wife and i are now making plans for some traveling around.....and enjoying life.

a huge commitment can be something that gives to you, and not something that crushes you and your family. but it has to fit into your life, not control it.

The first wife seems did not recognize the passion of her husband as well, and did not support Him. She probably did not know how to support Ken as well. In this hobby you need the wife support.i read if Iam correct Ken fav recording is The SWan , She called it Pig Swan?

Chris Rock (or Dave Chapelle, one of those guys) made a joke once that only women, children and dogs are loved "unconditionally" in this world. Such a thing is not true for men, it's just transactional for the most part.

But, you could imagine that you're loved unconditionally by so many artists (so many beautiful souls) when you're in your listening room, i.e., before this transient thing called life ends.

Life is short and you should find happiness in it wherever you can. For some billionaire a million dollar audio system is mere pocket change. But for someone who really can't afford it yet sacrifices to do so, it can become the proverbial albatross around the neck.

It may be a sad story, but it’s no deterrent. From the humble system I have today, In the time I have left, I too am aiming for a $1m system. It’s the personality that counts. Even knowing I am bi-polar, does not change anything. Like, I do not want a $1m car, or recvee. I know what I want, and every year it sounds noticeably better.