Current quality of Rune

I did some searching and didn't find any recent posts about Roon. I want to try streaming with my new dac which is made to work with Roon. 

I'm able to stream with Audivarna which I had used previously. It sounds good, but there is a glitch that causes loud static when switching songs. After lots of Googling, I've failed to come up with a fix. 

I'll do the free trial and try Roon, but I wanted to get people's opinion on Roon. I've read that the interface is one of the best. Is it reliable? Good sound quality?  I've read that Audivarna sounds better, but those could be old comments. 


@sns If I'm understanding correctly, my laptop is the Roon core. My dac has a built in bridge, or whatever it's called. They are both connected to the network, but there is no USB connection. It works well, but I could swear it's a little softer sounding than my Innuos streamer.

I think everything is set correctly. 

You can also configure roon to use your innuos as endpoint. Check that out as well. 

@catastrofe The output on my dac is set to fixed.  I'm using the volume control on my preamp. 


Thanks. If you were using the digital volume control in Roon, I thought that might be contributing to the "softness" you're experiencing. Clearly not the case.