OK, RFI via the tonearm cable makes sense! The Krell has adjustable impedance from 5 to 47,000 Ohms, set with internal switches, for MC cartridges. It has switchable gain for MM cartridges. Its frequency range is 5 to 100,000 Hz within 1 dB and it is a fully balanced design with no capacitors in the signal path.
The manual talks about positioning of both the power supply and other components like CD players to minimise hum, which I have had to work on, starting with the deck.
The original cables in my SME 3009 tonearm (series 2 improved with fixed head shell) must be 40 years old, and the connectors at the cartridge end have become heavily oxidised. One of the connectors came adrift when I changed cartridges and had to be soldered back. Despite this, I am thrilled with the replay quality.
One day when I get more confident, I should seriously look at replacing the litz wiring but it looks like a very fiddly job.