Capital Audiofest Coming Up!

Been to all but 1 or 2 and probably going again this year.  You never know what you will see or hear.  Always something new and a little different.  Maybe this year I will even carve out enough time to not have to zip through it all and be able to soak it all in better.  

Anyone else going?


@tkrtrb125 for sure!.

I go mainly to soak in all the sounds for reference. It has helped me achieve better sound incrementally over the years.

Occasionally I may even end up buying based on what I hear, but for me changing gear is not the first thing I resort to for better sound. No sense doing that if whatever it is you are doing currently can be made better more cost effectively first. Some call that "tweaking".

I also tend to look for any new technical innovations of consequence that might tempt me to change from older gear. This year I am looking to see if a change from my current splendid but older BEl Canto c5i is in order. I can’t fault the BCs performance really but it is older and I know the technology integrated into it maybe a dozen or so years back has advanced. If I find something worth the change, teh BC will either get honorably demoted for use as a spare or I mightuse it to set up yet another system at home that I can just play around with just because in my techno-nerdy mind things like that are fun.


@tkrtrb125 thanks. You too.   I know deer hunting season is coming up soon.  I've noticed the deer normally around my house eating all my plants have that nervous look in their eyes.surprise

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@grislybutter rest assured you I and many are on the same page with what you cite.

"Living a lie" is the big problem in my mind. YOu can’t fix real problems when you rely on lies to keep you going.

Doesn’t change the fact that this does not register apparently with more voters than not.

Living a lie is easy. Dealing with real problems is much harder no matter what!

Best to not succumb to dark side. Keep fighting for what is right! Otherwise the oligarchs win and many will continue to struggle just to survive, regardless of politics. Hopefully it is not in-evitable but history says it may be. The dark side is a powerful force of nature.

Sorry to draw on Star Wars analogies but it applies perfectly.