Capital Audiofest Coming Up!

Been to all but 1 or 2 and probably going again this year.  You never know what you will see or hear.  Always something new and a little different.  Maybe this year I will even carve out enough time to not have to zip through it all and be able to soak it all in better.  

Anyone else going?


@grislybutter rest assured you I and many are on the same page with what you cite.

"Living a lie" is the big problem in my mind. YOu can’t fix real problems when you rely on lies to keep you going.

Doesn’t change the fact that this does not register apparently with more voters than not.

Living a lie is easy. Dealing with real problems is much harder no matter what!

Best to not succumb to dark side. Keep fighting for what is right! Otherwise the oligarchs win and many will continue to struggle just to survive, regardless of politics. Hopefully it is not in-evitable but history says it may be. The dark side is a powerful force of nature.

Sorry to draw on Star Wars analogies but it applies perfectly.

@mapman I appreciate not being alone and being able to discuss this. Desperately looking for little lights in the dark

@grislybutter one thing I will give Donald Trump credit for: he has always been very successful in selling whatever it is he wants people to buy. HE is very good at marketing himself.


Warning: marketing works but is often merely  a bunch of BS.      Take that for what it is worth.

There are really only a few weapons people have to defend themselves financially regardless of political ideology.

Voting is one.

How ever, the way way more effective ones are to become educated to develop valuable skills and then also investing (once that is actually with reach) in order to get at least your small slice of the economic pie that will always be the main course served up by the "oligarchs".

Unless you are simply born rich and entitled. I won’t mention names. It is not a crime!


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