An audio component you just can't let go

What is a component you just can't seem to let go or sell even after you've already upgraded and not really using it anymore. What makes this component so special?


I like to joke that when I die someone has to bury my Quad ESL-63 electrostatic speakers with me because there is absolutely no way I am going to be parted from them.  Fate was kind to me because she put a stray copy of Opera News in my doctor’s office where I happened to see it and then read an article which insisted that Quads were the perfect speaker for opera lovers.  I am an obsessed opera lover and I also love classical music of all kinds. Quads are renowned for their beautiful mid-range.  They do wonderful things for the human voice, for violin, piano, guitar and so much more.  I imported them in 1985, had them completely refurbished in 2017 or 2018 and then in 2023 I snapped up a just refurbished pair of the US Monitor version of Quads.  I  feel like the luckiest person that I will never need to agonize over what my next speakers might be.  I already have the perfect speakers for me and perfectly suited to the kind of music I like.

Technics SL1301 DD changer turntable will play 6 stacked lps. I have all of the original accessories. 6 record changer spindle. 45 spindle. Bought it for $100 Aa a garage sale. sale in 95 in the original box.

My trusty Aragon 8008 BB Amplifier

with a bunch of upgrades,

Also my Sony CDP 707esd CD player.

I have to list equipment that was lost in a house fire this year as equipment I would have never sold or willingly parted with. a pristine pair of VMPS tower II SE speakers that served as the mains in the theater room and in equally high status was a pair of VMPS larger subwoofers. Each sub was blessed with a 12" and 15" driver plus a 15" PR. That is a lot of cone area. I had a carver 1.5t that had been restored driving the main speakers and a pair of AR-3a that had been rebuilt to new specs for rear channel speakers driven by a Carver PM-900 that was in good shape when I got it. A yamaha t85 tuner as well as my 2nd and 'keeper' turntable Technics SL-d1. I had an aging Yamaha 6 ch receiver that I liked very much. Not much power in stand alone mode but it worked well as a pre-amp. Replacing all of that now is going to prove a daunting task.

For me, my timeless component is my Scott 350D tuner. My area still has good, even vital FM radio, and I love the way this tuner presents the music - rich and colorful and absolutely engaging. When it is a live broadcast of music, it might be my most true-to-life piece of equipment.
