Thoughts/Opinions on Technics SL-G700M2 CD/SACD Player

Looking for any current owners that have bought this CD/SACD Player that can comment on its sound quality, reliability, ease of use, etc. for playing cd's, sacd's, hybrid sacd's, not looking for any input on its streaming capability currently, just playing 2 channel stereo.


If you decide on open box used? Make sure you buy extra laser while they are available.Elliott is right.Marantz Ruby and Sa 10 player are amazing player. I own both of them, got them open box . This year my SA 10 laser gave up after 3 yrs and 2 monthsWith the help of this site. I was able to find original laser, and skilled tech to install it. I bought 3 lasers 2 extra just in case. Marantz won’t repair your player after warranty.If Iam  correct the Technic got a fair review.

Op ask Music direct about the warranty, lasers break. I will stay away from used in term of cd and sacd players.

+1 for Music Direct.  I bought "open box" equipment from them.  Came with full factory warranty.   After 55 days I contacted them about returning under their 60 day no questions asked policy.  The return was handled exceptionally well.  Can't say enough about how pleased I was. 

Thank you to all who have responded. But I am still waiting to hear from some that have purchased this player and what they have experienced with its sound, operation, loading, reading and tracking discs, would they buy it again, etc.?

@jayctoy,  you got less than 3 1/2 years out of the Marantz SA10?  My Esoteric UX3 which I purchased as an “exhibition stock” in 2012 and is used at least 250 days a year for over 12 years has no such problems.  They both cost around the same, in the $8500.00 price range.  I wonder if it’s because Esoteric builds their own mechanisms?