Pop album that has stood the test of time

I found a used CD copy of Sinead O’Conner’s “I Do Not Want What I Haven’t Got” in Easy Street Records and snatched it up.  I remember liking it in the 90s when it came out and may have a lousy cassette copy somewhere, but I had not seriously listened to it with the better systems I have now.  Listening now, I am impressed by the material, the performance, and the recording quality, and it occurs to me that as an overall concept, it could have come out in 2024 and still sound poignant.  There are a few rock hangovers from the 80s, but even those are well delivered.

I am wondering what pop albums you have that you think have aged well in terms of material, performance and production.


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I was just listening to a French DJ version of the debut A Flock of Seagulls last night. Gotta be top 3 80s albums all-time for me. 

Many of those old, especially pre-digital, albums are infinitely better recorded than what is usually available today, and this trend goes back into the 50's, as most of you would know from the latest high-priced re-releases.  Don't, however, forgo original pressings, usually well-graded and much less expensive, available on Discogs and other sources.  You need a vinyl cleaning machine anyway, should you not have one.  That's for those who know what they want.  If you don't, used record sales are lots of fun!

I went back and can see most of you folks apparently stop at the 80's. Makes me laugh.