Ken Fritz's $1M Dream System update

If you haven’t heard about Ken’s story, it’s an interesting one and will punctuate the importance of balance in life.

Here’s somehting I cam across with how much his system actually went for:



I has been in this hobby since 1978.


During those years, I had gone through more than 10 speakers and some monster amplifiers like Jadis 500.


But I made balance between my hobby and relation with my three children.


They also enjoy listening to music and play some instruments themselves.


Thus I had never got complaint from my children.


I expect to have fifth grandchildren next June.


It would be nice if I had chance to listen to Ken’s system.


I may have had taken over his whole system including his house.


I still respect his passion but he had gone overboard with his family relationship.


But I do not want to criticize him too much.


May Ken rest in peace.





I have no problem with people wanting to listen to their music in solitary positions. My best two friends and several other friends are single and deserve to listen as they want to. The caveat being that I want anyone listening with me in my listening rooms share equally which is why I desire a wide dispersion speaker. There is a limit wherein my former ML Monolith III stats when my girlfriend (now wife) experienced them said no way! They are beamy and I have to keep my head in a fixed position (plus lack of textured detailed bass, lacking in dynamics). So, out they went and I been happy with wide dispersion speakers since (the major fault of the Legacy Focus).

I am lucky to have a listening room.  It's not big , so there's not much stuff in there.  One recliner in the sweet spot.   I throw a bean bag chair in there if my girlfriend wants to join me .....   no I don't make her sit in that. 

I want to be solo when I decompress 


Post removed 

Why even speculate? The man is dead and built what may have been a great system. So ridiculous, these days, to attribute negatives to the pursuit of perfection. Spend your money your way and extend the same courtesy to others.