DeVore O/93 or PureAudioProject Duet15 for a First Watt SIT-3?

What do you think would be better for a warm organic late night listening (classic music, opera and jazz)?
Stereophile reviewed the O/93 as a perfect pairing with SIT-3 (even is SIT-3 prefers low impedance speakers).
Duet15 seems to me more sensible (97db vs 93db) (and Steve Guttenberg think are top).
My current speakers are 4ohms / 87db Avalon Indra, absolute fantastic at their 80db listening kingdom.



Very different sounding speakers. question do you have the room behind your speakers to accommodate Open Baffles?  OB’s need a good amount of space behind to properly integrate the back and front wave, usually 4’-8'.   

I’ve heard the 0/93’s and they can be very nice indeed. But after going to an OB recently I don’t think I could go back to a box. If you have the room I would give the Pure Audio Project speakers a listen.  

OB’s done well can be very good, if not large. The 0/93’s will integrate easier and fit more room sizes but interact more with the side walls than OB’s do. Where the OB’s will have a smaller sweet spot than the 0/93’s. Mind you the OB’s should have a larger, deeper sound stage than the box speaker. Trade off both ways but for me not hearing the box was the turning point in my journey.

The room is 19‘x12’ and 16' high (part is 8' hight).
There are bookshelves, a big sofa, an armchair and a carpet on wood floor.
Speakers have 5‘-6’ behind.
The listening armchair is 8‘ from the speakers (behind me I have 10’ to the back wall).

For me it is really important to have a warm sound, a wide and deep stage even at low volume.
The Avalon Indra are great, but they sound best at medium-high volume.

I have went through everything you are considering, in the end I went with Volti Audio, talking to Nelson Pass, tons of emails I went with the Sit-4 and I am so glad I did…what ever speaker you get consider the Sit-4. I have been using it since July this year and it really warmed up my system without losing any detail…one good thing about the Pass gear it’s solid and never a problem…it]f this tells you anything I sold all my tube gear and tubes…the Sit-4 is 10 watts of Class A that drives these Volti Horn speakers to a beautiful sound…

I have 2 friends which owned both the O/93 and O/96 DeVores. They replaced them both with speakers which conform more to the current standards of design. First order crossovers, narrow baffles, more inert cabinet construction, etc. It didnt take them long after getting the new speakers to discern exactly how much these DeVores actually missed or got completely wrong.