MHDT Havana and Eastern Electric Minimax

Has anyone heard both of these DACs at one time or another. I am still considering a DAC, and was all set on picking up a used Havana, until I was informed that adding the Havana to my de Havilland Ultraverve 3 preamp will be too much, and would produce soft bass.

The gentlemen thought that the minimax may be a better match because of its greater neutrality in comparison to the Havana.

Any thoughts?

Which mhdt and other DACs of relevance in this thread use the SAbre ESS 9018 32 bit chip you mention?

Here is a quite excellent and detailed review of both mhdt Paradisea and Constantine DACs that covers those two quite well and lead me to try both specifically. Lots of similar musical note ratings for both, and in fact lots of similarities in sound (with a relatively inexpensive tube upgrade as mentioned).

It indicates these two mhdt DACS use a 16 bit Philips chip that may be more relevant to their similar inherent sound than coming from the same maker alone. I think Havana and other newer mhdt DACs use different chips, but not certain, so I would not necessarily expect those to sound the same, but maybe they do to a good extent.

The mhdt Havana is built around the Burr Brown PCM56P 16bit chip. In the Havana circuit, the net output is organic, spacious, musically convincing if you are not judging it by how performed music would sound if you were 8 inches from the instruments, as so much is recorded and mixed today. It's also dynamically energetic and bursty. As others have noted, even though the tube is just an output buffer, there are about a dozen compatible tubes and they allow a range of fine tunings to the Havana's sound.

For those who have noted that Havana is less detailed than DACs built around the ESS 9018, the Havana Balanced is, via its balanced outputs, a significant upgrade in resolution while also delivering more shove and tone density. Yup, it's more expensive, but worth it. Running a Havana Balanced via its single-ended outputs is the same as using a straight Havana, as the Balanced version is comprised electrically of two full Havanas.

These DACs are very receptive to DIY upgrades to caps and power supply, but it's not necessary to get very fine sound. The stock GE 5670 tube is pleasant enough and has no sins of commission, but several of omission, comparatively. It's vanilla, cheap, ubiquitous so I understand why mhdt DACs ship with it. A Tung-Sol or Bendix 2c51 reveals more definition, space, tone and shove. The Bendix 1964-production 6385 yields the most perceived resolution along with a bit of leanness in the midrange. The CBS-Hytron 5670 is a very good compromise of traits. The Western Electric JAN 396A matches well in many systems. And then there are another ten or so tubes you can try.

I got some worthwhile but not dramatic further improvement from upgrades to five capacitors. By far the greatest positive change to the sound of both my Havana Balanced DACs was resting them on Aurios Media Bearings. Those seem hard to find suddenly, but by all means I encourage you to try some sort of bearings solution under mhdt DACs. The effect is almost hard to believe.

Among delta-sigma DACs, I put the Havana Balanced against a Yulong D18, which uses the ESS9018 in a well-thought-out power supply and audio implementation, at an Asian-sourced price like mhdt. The Yulong is a voiced DAC, that also has choice of balanced and SE outputs. Unlike Havana Balanced, where the designer simply gives you Havana sound in balanced circuitry, Yulong actively chose to voice the SE and XLR outputs differently, and that difference is very apparent. He refers to the SE outputs as the "hifi" outs and it's what you expect: ultra-resolving, clean, extended, lean ..... and unforgiving. The XLR outputs are voiced for music lovers and their sound is harmonically richer, warmer, more dimensioned; still extended and clean but with considerably more tonal body up and down the aural range. It's still not nearly as organic as the Havana Balanced nor the Havana SE, but it's a tenable sound for someone looking for that sense of ultimate detail in sigma-delta with a little more tone. More expensive 9018 DACs like Mytek, Benchmark 2 and Resonessence have more finesse than the Yulong of course, and are smoother. But I haven't yet heard a delta-sigma based DAC sound as organic and engaging as a nicely-tubed mhdt Havana Balanced, for 16/44 material.

mhdt no longer makes the Havana, though the Havana Balanced is still available. The Stockholm V2 is the essence of the Havana DAC with a 24/192 receiver chip, though the D-to-A conversion is still done by the 16bit PCM56P. For a true 24/192-capable DAC, mhdt now also has the Steeplechase, which uses the Asahi Kasei AK4396, sometimes referred to as the "miracle dac." mhdt's designer is on record saying buyers should not expect its sound to be as organic and satisfying as Havana and Stockholm, but for anyone needing full 24 bit processing for high-res material, Steeplechase will sound pretty good -- the AK4396 being, in his view, the least objectionable delta-sigma DAC chip available. You still have that output buffer tube socket to fine tune your sound.

I use a set of 4 older adjustable turn table feet under my constantine, which sits on my arc preamp. Dont know if feet affects the sound, but the sound is rock solid, detailed but no fatugue... Fabulous. Original ge tube in paradisea produces minor fatigue in my second system at higher volume, nad pre to tad monoblocks to triangle titus xs. Nos tung sol tube cleans that right up and is a high performer as described.
The 3 Sabre 9018 based digital products I've owned used in my listening impressions are the W4S, EE Minimax Plus and Oppo 95 as a stand alone unit, should have clarified that this is of course not a DAC but the properties of the chip used can be heard. Of these three I prefer the W4S, Oppo 95 and least of all EE head to head using the Oppo's transport.

Further listening impressions on the Havana, which I haven't listened to in several months. I put it in the system 2 nights ago and I don't want to take it out now! I have made a few changes in different tube types used in my amplifier which have been a kind of new revelation since I installed them a few months back. These changes rendered improved harmonics and tonality to the music in general. The thing I immediately liked about the Havana from the beginning when I purchased it two years ago came back renewed and with greater appreciation. I would again emphasize the positive comments concerning it again and then some. What is so apparently right and is it's trump card is the natural timbre and tone of instruments and the "musicality", that undefinable something that makes us want to just listen and enjoy without analysis and questioning what could be improved, it just didn't happen. I didn't notice, think of nor care of lost detail. What did happen is I was just struck with how much improvement in enjoyment it gave overall and I have been quite happy and am still with the W4s. That richness and tonality, became so much more apparent. I've decided to leave it in the system for now and definitely explore some improvements per Phil's comments. I am using Stillpoints with risers under the Havana and all digital components.