Phono preamp hum

I have a inexpensive Bellari phonostage that sounds pretty good after a 15 minute warmup, but develops a terrific hum after about 30 minutes.  It has one tube.  Anyone have an idea?


Does that unit have an AC filament supply?  If so, I could imagine that there is a leak of AC into the signal that takes time to occur when you start from cold, because something needs to heat up before it leaks. It's important to know that this is a real "hum", meaning 60Hz or 120Hz pure tone.  If not, we will start over.

I have no idea if it has an AC filiment supply.  It has a wall wart power supply.  Once it starts humming, it gradually gets  louder and I have to unplug it to stop.

Have you checked the grounding? Make sure the ground wire is tightly secured. Then try removing the ground wire. Is your linestage plugged into the same outlet as the Bellari? If not, make it so.