Issue with Krell KSA-250


It's been a minute since I've been on the forums here, but I'm glad they are still around!

I am the second owner of a Krell KSA-250 amplifier. For the past 10 years it hasn't given me any problems. Then today, when I turned it on, it emitted a rather loud buzzing sound. This wasn't coming from the speakers (like a ground loop hum), this was a very startling almost "mechanical" buzz sound. The buzz does not stop until I turn the unit off.

I'm not sure where to start. I called my local audio repair store, but they don't work on Krell. They suggested I contact Krell, which is my next step, but seeing as I'd have to freight this for it to be repaired, I'm hoping someone here might shed some light on what's happening. I've made a short 15-second video of the issue, but I don't think I can upload it here. I'm happy to provide it though.

Any thoughts you might have would be appreciated.



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@jea48 there is a soft start circuit, and it’s a well known fact that the capacitors get hot because of where they are placed, right next to two 700ohm resistors.

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